
為了鼓勵學生多閱讀,本校於2024年11月及12月舉辦了英文科專題閱讀月,主題是名人。英文科專題閱讀月以遊戲攤位活動展開序幕。學生們積極參與了這些攤位遊戲。為了在課堂上推廣閱讀,我們邀請了讀書夥伴來到 P1-P6 班級,與學生一起閱讀書籍。本校為了鼓勵學生在家閱讀,為五及六年級學生舉辦了英文科專題閱讀月寫作比賽,另外本校亦為一至四年級學生舉辦英文科專題閱讀月閱讀報告比賽。


In order to encourage students to read more books, our school organised the English Reading Month in November and December 2024 with the theme of Famous People. The English Reading Month is kicked off by the game booths activity. In order to promote reading in classes, reading buddies were invited to come to P1-P6 classes and read the books with students. A writing competition is also held for P5-P6 students and a book report competition will be held for P1-P4 students.


